Seattle Audubon Society

Branding, Type / Layout, Graphic Design, Web Design

A Complete rebranding project

Project Overview

Timeline: 10 weeks

The Seattle Audubon Society’s current design style is severely outdated and their website is a maze. We were tasked with learning everything there is to know about the non-profit and then perform a complete rebrand from their mission statement to a whole suite of print assets.

Know More, See More, Do more

After filtering through images to find the brand feel, and narrowing our brand pillars down to knowledgable, communal, and dedicated we found our brand message, "Know more, See more, do more"; a humble yet inspirational call to action. All of these assets together drove our visual style from the illustrations made from the simplest shapes to the friendly yet bold sans-serif type and bright colors.

The Seattle Audubon logo animated for advertisements and social media.