REI Gift Cards

Illustration, Visual Design, Graphic Design

5 Weeks | REI Summer Internship

Project Overview

Our team was tasked with concepting, designing, and executing two collections of gift cards for REI in the categories of Holiday and Occasion. The latter category covers Happy Birthday, Congratulations, and Thank You themed cards.

We created two collections of cards that were thoughtful, engaging, and delightful — helping remove the stigma of thoughtlessness associated with giving gift cards.

Measuring Success

We set the mindset of the REI customer as the cornerstone of our design process. At every stage, we considered on which levels the cards would appeal to the customer and the physical way in which they would be displayed, viewed, and interacted with in-store and online. The result was a purchase rate of +41% year over year.

For additional card designs, process details, and context please see the full case study on my website →

Our cards made it into the checkout aisles of REIs across the country!