Visual Design, Art Direction, Type / Layout

Student Project | 12 weeks

Project Overview

WILD is a publication focusing on wildlife conservation, with an emphasis on endangered animals and wildlife exploitation. This collection of stories, reports, and articles, along with stark and impactful photographs, offers readers a look into the world of wildlife conservation.

This issue of WILD focuses on wildlife exploitation. Feature articles explore the different ways that animals are being driven to extinction (most of them caused by humans), how poaching for animal parts is endangering the rare pangolin in Asia and Africa, the shocking numbers of captive exotic animals, particularly tigers, in the United States and how many of them are exploited and abused, and the dark and unfortunate truths of the wildlife tourism industry around the world.

The goal of this magazine is to raise awareness of the issues facing animals in our world, help start conversations about these issues, and ultimately inspire readers to be more thoughtful about how they may be contributing to the situation and to take action.

It has a clean, modern design, allowing for easy reading of long articles, and lets the beautiful and impactful photography stand out.